Have your say on the public art proposals for Barnstaple

People with a connection to Barnstaple will soon be able to have their say on the public art they would like to see in the town centre.

Flourishing Barnstaple, an initiative led by North Devon Council and supported by Arts Council England’s Cultural Development Fund, is introducing public art to the town centre as part of its mission to revitalise Barnstaple by supporting, developing and promoting cultural activity in the town.

After an open call for expressions of interest brought more than 60 responses, 11 artists have been selected to develop their ideas for public art through a tender process. 

The exciting proposals will be on display below from Wednesday 12 February  and also at the Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon, Barnstaple Pannier Market, Green Lanes Shopping Centre . Members of the public will then be able to vote for their favourites by filling out a form at the locations, or on this webpage.

The public vote will form part of the selection process alongside a panel made up of representatives from North Devon Council, Barnstaple Town Council, Barnstaple Town Team for Culture and the local community.

Voting will open along with the displays on Wednesday 12 February, and will close at midnight on Wednesday 19 February. The results will be announced in the first week of March.


The public vote will be accessible on this webpage until

Wednesday 19th February.

Join us for the

Flourishing Culture Awards

Highlighting those who have made a positive impact on you or your community.

We invite you to nominate individuals, groups, or organisations who have influenced you through their cultural contributions.